
Daniel D. WhitedIllustration & Character Design

Born in Maine and later moved to Illinois, I enjoy creating art that represents my sense of humor.I like to use the world around me as a source of inspiration to bring underutilized concepts to life and introduce people to a world/culture that they never knew of, with a hint of sarcasm and playfulness.I'm able to provide new perspectives and showcase a different sense of style that isn't common among various media with strong use of linework and vector-like graphics.I'm also familiar with industry-standard programs, such as Adobe Illustrator!

Original WorkPersonal art for various projects of mine (click on the images to view it full screen)

Character Design (Basic Lineups)

Character Design (Illustrations)

Gift ArtArt made for various friends and acquaintances, usually of their own characters

Derivative Work
Fan art of existing games/shows/other properties

VRchat (Click on the images to view it full screen)
In 2018 - 2020, I provided character designs that were turned into public avatars for sale on for a limited time. Below are graphics I created to showcase the models on the storefront.
You can see the characters they were based on in my Personal Works section.3D Modeling was done by @Octuplex

VRchat (Personal Avatars)
Due to creating public avatars for sale, I was also offered to create original designs for various influencer, such as PapaFearGaming and Lowhren.
Models were done by @Octuplex

RebelTaxi's "Loki IRL" Bumper
In September 2020, A YouTuber who goes by "RebelTaxi" commissioned me to design assets to use during a video break bumper to promote his webcomic.

You can see it in this part of the video
The subject belongs to the comic, however, the background/interpretation of the character was my own.
Below are the sketch and layers

Kings of Hell
Commissioned work for StrawberryOctopus Productions' Game, Kings of Hell.
I designed a billboard for one of the levels and several designs I've made were used as basis for finalized enemy characters.

I created the playable character of "El Carne Rojo" for the RPG, Horrorvale.
On top of creating his design, I also help provide story scenarios for his character development and gameplay.

Links to Steam Page and

Advanced Nutrients
Back in November 2021, I was hired to design a character for a product that a company wanted to pitch.
They provided me with various mood boards and a specific theme, which is of a "Sci-Fi Explorer".Below are various explorations and iterations.

Number 8 was choosen out of the group.After a visual target test, I proceed to sketch and finalized the poses through Adobe Illustrator.(Bottom image wasn't part of the process and was done for fun)

Freelance Character DesignOne off designs created for various clients' personal use

Let's Get in Touch!

Got questions or work inquiries?*
I'm always available to lend an ear!

Twitter | @FunkySpaceAlienEmail | [email protected]

Disclaimer: I do not take NFT-related projects.